Friends of Charles House Giving Society


Bertsch Family Charitable Foundation
Michael Bradley

In Memory of Rebecca Bradley
In Support of the Bradley Program
in Learning and Service

Residents of Carol Woods
Patricia Carpenter
In memory of Ray Carpenter
Carolina Meadows
Community Church of Chapel Hill
The Custer Family
In Memory of Lorena Custer
Bonnie & David Custer
Michal & Michael Custer
Gary & Sherry Pelton
Patricia Custer Storm
Rebecca & John Trangenstein
Home Health Foundation of Chapel Hill Endowment         Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation
Melvin Hurston
In Memory of Suellen Hurston
The Family of Charles & Dorcas Jones
Mary Jones Merritt Estate
Bette Bradford and Family
Nancy B. Jones
In Memory of Ruth & D.W. Brooks 
Paul Klever & Sally Freeman
James McEntire (deceased)
John B. Morris, III
Nurse Care of North Carolina
In support of the Family Caregiver Library
at Charles House

Molly (deceased) & Paul Pratt
Robert Seymour (deceased)
In Memory of Pearl Seymour
In support of the Family Meeting Room
Caroline Smith Foundation
Beth Tillman
  In Memory of Dr. Clifford Tillman
UNC Healthcare
University Presbyterian Church
UNC Health
The Whelan Family
In memory of Dorothy & Edward Whelan
 In support of the Whelan Courtyard Garden at Charles House  
Sheana & William Funkhouser
Kathleen Leopold
Dennis Whelan
John Whelan

Platinum Members

Lorren Bryant
 In Memory of Beulah Hackney
Homewatch Caregivers
Carol Hogue
Chad Lefteris
In memory of Mollie Huntley Lefteris
Anthony & Julie Lindsey
Douglas & Yvonne Mendenhall
Ina Stern
In Memory of Charles and Mildred Stern

Gold Members

Mary Berman Charitable Trust
Martha Brimm
In memory of Richard Clark
Eunice & Don Collins
Vicki & Tom Cook
Julian & Cathy Culton

In Memory of Ann Stabler Culton
Michael & Barbara Hill
In Memory of John & Sally Hill
Martin Key & Lori Marshall 

In Memory of Jim Key
Christine Lathren
In Memory of Rochelle Ragusa
Allison Lee
Carol Lucas
In Memory of S. Ivy Nogle
Julia & Thomas Lunsford
Donna Phillips
In Memory of Gary Phillips
Margaret Rider (deceased)
Linnea Smith
Robert Spransy

Community Church of Chapel Hill
University Presbyterian Church

Silver Members

Margie Baldwin
 In Memory of Stan Baldwin
Janis & Jesse Basnight, Jr.
Mary Beck
 In Memory of Eloise Allison
Peggy Cohn
In Memory of Sydney Cohn
Jim & Roberta Copeland 
Capital Development Services
JoAnne & Shelley Earp
Bradley Fox & Janet Oldham
Howard & Jeanne Harper
Alma & Peter Gaudette
Anne & Tom Hastings
In Memory of Billie Smith Owensby
Stan & Sydney Jenkins
In Memory of George and Angelita Foster, and
In Memory of Norman and Marceline Jenkins
Mary Jenne & Phillip Washbourn
In Memory of Kurt Jenne
Gerald & Audrey Lazarus
Pamela Nielsen
Cherie Rosemond & David Woodmansee
Luke & Wendy Riggsbee
Barbara Rowen
In memory of Larry Rowen
Cindy Skocik
Sheryl Zimmerman & Philip Sloane
In Memory of Aaron Itkin
Hunter & Katie Wagstaff

Resnick Family
In Memory of Ralph Resnick
Caroline Resnick
Robert Levers & Peggy Levitt
Lynn Q de Sherbinin Foundation
Bruce & Jan McIntosh
Barbara & James Parker
Ron Wilson Family
In Memory of Ron Wilson
Cherie & Ron Wilson
John & Margaret Cline
Michele Flattum
Larry Morris